Paypal sees a lot bigger for Bitcoin, Paypal wants to offer cryptocurrency payments, next year

Paypal sees a lot bigger for Bitcoin, wants to offer cryptocurrency payments, next year

PayPal does not go there with dead hand - PayPal multiplies the announcements concerning the launching of its service of purchase and sale of cryptomonnaies. However, it does not intend to stop there and wishes to propose the payments in cryptomoney, as of next year.

PayPal embraces crypto

It's been 2 weeks now since the e-payment giant PayPal announced its entry into the crypto ecosystem. Thus, the company allows its American users to buy and sell cryptomoney, thanks to a partnership with Paxos.

However, it will be necessary to wait until the first half of 2021 to see this service extended to other geographical areas, including Europe.

On Monday, at the company's quarterly revenue meeting, CEO Dan Schulman more freely revealed PayPal's plans for cryptomoney.

First of all, the latter took the opportunity to highlight the success of adding cryptomoney to PayPal. Indeed, the demand was such that PayPal had to increase the purchase limits from $10,000 to $15,000.

"We are seeing users who have purchased cryptos open their wallets several times a day to check the status of their crypto investments. "Statement by Dan Schulman

PayPal: future crypto giant?

The company does not intend to stop there. Dan Schulman has announced that it will be possible to pay for goods and services using cryptography directly from the Venmo application in the first half of 2021.

PayPal also hopes to be able to help central banks in the creation and democratization of MNBCs (central bank digital currencies).

"I believe that our platform, with its digital portfolios and the reach we currently have, can help shape the usefulness of these currencies. This can range from interoperability between portfolios, between the currencies themselves, and especially in our network of merchants for commerce. "Dan Schulman

In any case, PayPal is in phase to become a key player in the ecosystem. The year 2021 could well be PayPal's year, if not Facebook's, with its Libra project at a standstill.

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