The unknown inventor of bitcoin will soon have his statue in Budapest

The unknown inventor of bitcoin will soon have his statue in Budapest

A bronze bust of the mysterious developer of the famous cryptocurrency will be unveiled in the coming weeks in the Hungarian capital. The location? A park housing computer and high-tech companies, reports Telex.

Its identity and appearance remain a mystery. However, reports the site Telex, the supposed developer of bitcoin will soon be represented by a bronze bust installed in the Graphisoft Park, an incubator for computer and high-tech companies in the 3rd district of Budapest, where a statue of Apple founder Steve Jobs has already been enthroned since 2011.

According to the project owner, the unknown inventor of the famous cryptocurrency, known under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, but whose real identity remains uncertain, deserves this honor for having "opened a new chapter in the history of the Internet", allowed "the emergence of digital financial tools", but also and above all "accompanied the rise of the blockchain", the computer protocol known to be unfalsifiable on which cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are based.

Prepared in the coming weeks, the work, of which Telex publishes a pencil sketch, will be polished to reflect the image of the curious and "show that we all embody Satoshi," says the portal. Dressed in a hoodie, it "reminds us of hackers and could be called the 'modern Anonymous'", Telex develops, in reference to a mysterious notary and royal chronicler from Hungary in the 13th century, whose imposing sculpture towers over visitors to the castle of Vajdahunyad, in Budapest.

Funded in part "by the most important members of the Magyar bitcoin community," the bronze also owes its existence to "a crowdfunding campaign" as well as "the contribution of 27 companies and private donors," Telex notes. The approximately 3.1 million forints (8,912 euros) collected will also finance the production of a promotional film.

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